馬偕醫學院 Mackay Medical College
Institute of Long-Term Care
Clinical Skills Training Center

Tamsui MacKay Memorial Hospital Clinical Skills Training Center

TMMH (Tamsui MacKay Memorial Hospital) Clinical Skills Training Center provides high-quality clinical skills teaching to students, and also conducts various clinical skills testings, so as to evaluate students’ learning outcomes, hence, improving the quality of medical care.

There are 12 simulation rooms within the facility where OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) can be carried out, and they can also be used as PBL (problem-based learning) classrooms, providing students with a comfortable learning environment.

Picture 1: Main Lecture Hall for CPR training Picture 2: High-fidelity Simulation Patient Simulation Room

Center Features:

  1. Excellent Digital Learning Environment:
    Installation of Clinical Skills Online enables students to view various clinical skills videos on the website in order to enhance learning outcomes.
  2. High-fidelity Clinical Skills Training Equipment:
    Diversified high-fidelity patient simulations include simulations in critical illness, childbirth, as well as neonatal first aid training.
  3. Training in Team Building (TRM “Team Resource Management”Training)
    Utilizing high-fidelity patient simulation with each unit to conduct drills in first aid, strengthening the TRM concept through drills and feedbacks.
  4. Sacrificial Giving of Standardized Patients:
    Clinical skills teaching is conducted through the combination of props and the acting of standardized patients, so that students can have more confidence and ability when facing real patients in the future.
  5. Communication Skills Workshop:
  6. In order to strengthen the ability of students in informing a patient’s medical condition, the communication skills workshop specially includes standardized patients to receive reports on their medical conditions from the students. Instructors will be at the side to provide immediate feedback so that students can receive the best learning outcomes.
  7. Minimally Invasive Surgery Training Courses
    The endoscopy training box and props are used in the first phase to train beginners in their eye-hand coordination, suturing and knot-tying; the second phase utilizes the endoscopy training box to practice cutting and suturing on animal organs; the third phase consists of experiments on animals.
  8. Airway Management Workshop:
    The placement of endotracheal tube in managing respiratory tract problems plays a very important role. During the workshop training course, students are trained in learning how to insert endotracheal tube after administering anesthesia on a SARS-simulated patient, while in a high-level personal protective equipment.