馬偕醫學院 Mackay Medical College
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馬偕醫學院 Mackay Medical College

[活動回顧]   生醫所專題演講回顧 - 敬邀 陽明大學 藥理學科暨研究所 邱士華教授

生醫所103-1專題演講活動,敬邀 陽明大學 藥理學科暨研究所 邱士華教授進行專題演講

講題: Cellular Reprogramming and iPSC in Personalized Medicine


Personalized medicine is an emerging medical practice that proposes the customization of healthcare for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Personalized medicine would be tailored to the individual patient based on the patient’s unique genetic profile. Recently, numerous studies have focused on human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) due to their ability to propagate infinitely while maintaining the ability to differentiate into many different cell types of the human body. Nanotechnology is being used to reformulate many drugs to improve characteristics such as solubility and administration. For purposes of personalized medicine, however, the most important applications of nanotechnology for therapeutics are the various innovations being pursued to target drugs to specific diseased tissues. In this study, we will induce patient specific iPSCs from patients with retinal degenerative diseases such as Best disease and AMD, and generate the disease-iPSCs derived RPE which are capable of recapitulating the biochemical, cellular and ultrastructural abnormalities of the disease. We will demonstrate that patient specific iPSCs are a promising in vitro disease model for the drug screening. Furthermore, we also provide a strategy of nano-based therapeutic development for personal medicine. Taken together, the application of patient-specific iPSCs can further provide a platform for personalized drug screening, as well as nano-medicine, and will be the enabling technology that drives the personalized medicine advances for treating the retinal degeneration diseases.


