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馬偕醫學院 Mackay Medical College

[活動回顧]  107學年度 俄亥俄大學國際交流「語言與文化」講座


Content: The speaker mainly discusses about Linguistics, lecturer’s experience of language teaching, cultural exchange, and how those things be integrated into a language teaching classroom, a speech language pathology, clinic setting, and audiology clinic setting.

  1. Background: Lecturer do more research at social language. For example, people use language differently with different group.
  2. Linguistics: The brief definition of Linguistics is how language works, how it used, how it acquired, and how it changes over time.
  3. Linguistics competence: Subconscious linguistics knowledge relies on how you use that language correctly. The important things to know about language competence is we don’t really have conscious access to a lot of systemized rules. If you want to know whether the person you communicate with use the same native language, there are three differences can help you to distinguish, which are pronunciation difference, vocabulary difference, and dialect difference. Your language also can reflect your background.
  4. Linguistic relativity: The culture will influence language, and language also will influence the culture. There is a community do have the words like “right” and “left”. Therefore, when they talk to direction, it will be different like us. In addition, two people who speak different languages will remember different things upon the same incident.
  5. Three question that focus on what language is:
    1. Why are there so many languages and dialects in the world?
      That is because people move all the time. Once people move, language will be changed.
    2. Why are children to acquire their native languages so easily, and why do adults appear to struggle so much to learn foreign languages?
      Our brain develop rapidly in our early year, and the ability will go down when we are aging.
    3. 3. How language are put to use?
      Communication and group solidarity.

